

What is Virus?

Viruses are not cellular organisms

Viruses do not have a cellular structure

Viruses require a host cell to make new products

The virus does not carry out any life process outside of a cell. Nonetheless, viruses reproduce using living cells by injecting their genetic materials into host cells.

Viruses are made up of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)

The size of a virus is very small (20 nm to 400 nm), therefore virus cannot be seen using a light microscope but can only be seen using an electron microscope.


Uncontrolled environmental devastation caused by humans is causing harm to every species. In these thousands of years of ‘war’ between humans and viruses, the younger the virus, the less we know about it, and the more helpless we are to combat it. Known viruses currently are not the vital threat to us right now, but instead a newly revolved virus in near future with a high fatality rate, high transmission rate and long incubation period. Hence, we should minimise the threats by taking precautions on forthcoming possible threats of newly emerging viruses before they appear.

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